Aspire to inspire greatness
"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." Audre Londe I am beautiful! "I am not my skin Me, lies deeper than what eyes can see" Petunia "I am more than the word itself I represent my inner garden physically I am in different differently" Nkuli "Mosetsana yo ereng ga a tsena tsotlhe di eme That is all of me" Penene "Ke mosetsanyana wa moAfrika Borwa Ke mosetsanyana wa mmala wa sibilo Ke montle " Matumelo "I am so much beauty The sunset is my skin" Nombulelo "My beauty comes from someone who contributed love and obedience to elders Radiant and poise, I am beautiful" Alinah "When I speak - I speak truth When I stand - I stand for justice When I cry - I cry for what is not there anymore With no regret When I pray - I pray for nations" Petunia T ...