Real life. Real issues. Real people.

As I journey into and through this dream of reaching out to girls in my community – I realize it’s a huge dream.  This dream involves real issues, real people and real life – it’s that big. Some days I am more than ready to dive in and reach out in every possible ways.  And, some days I am really petrified – the kind that leaves you paralysed.

Today, I had an honour and privilege to meet with one of the girls am intending to mentor.  Her name is Alinah and she is the sweetest girl.  We laughed and talked like we’ve known each other for a very long time. The next thing I know, she starts crying, right in the middle of our conversation.  Prior to our meeting I expected anything to happen but I did not expect her to get emotionally overwhelmed.  It was our first meeting and we had ice cream and talked about school.

Without going into details of Alinah’s emotional reaction, once again, I’m convinced that we can be the change we wish to see in the world.  I certainly cannot change the world but I have an opportunity to speak life into one girl’s situation/circumstances.  If this means me not knowing how to console her am still prepared to let her know it’s okay to cry.

It’s okay to let it all out.
It’s okay to dream big.
It’s okay to want more in life.
It’s okay to crave for daddy’s love.
It’s okay to cry.

Not only did I reach out to Alinah today – I also reached from within and whispered a prayer in my heart on behalf of a girl I barely know.

As I journey through this dream, my prayer for these girls is for them to know it’s okay to live life and dream with God. 

We walked around campus - stopped at the library - had lunch - sat by the river and just talked


  1. I am proud of you dear friend. Very proud of you. Keep going and keep sharing.

  2. AdeOla, thank you my dearest...this day was also inspired by one of our gmail chats were we shared our dreams with each other. Once again, thank you my dearest!!!!

  3. Oh okay, quite interesting. I had no idea you two knew each other:-) Nice blog post Petunia. I'm touched by what you're doing as a mentor. Keep up the good work!

  4. Sis,AdeOla and I 'met' through you:) Thanks for stopping by and please I'd love to touch base with you over skype. [I'll send you a gmail to arrange time and so forth]

  5. I'm so glad I could bring you two together. You are both amazing women:-) A Skype date sounds like fun except that my headphones are no different from the one I tried to use the last time we talked. We can still give it a try though.


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