Half the Sky

I’ve been looking forward to reading Half the Sky ever since I read the reviews.
A year later am having a chat with one of my lecturers when she quickly scan through her bookshelf; and handed me the book “Half the Sky”.

I was so thrilled to finally hold the book in my hands.

It took me over three months to read [there were long pauses in between].  A very slow and intense read – I must have cried and cringed with every story.  So many touching, heartbreaking stories and yet filled with pure hope.  Half the Sky for me it’s about hope and the power we have to change the world for better.

Like Mahatma Gandhi rightly said “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”
It goes without saying, after reading this book I feel even more compelled to be the change I wish to see in my world.

I wish to see women be empowered in every possible way.
I wish to see girls go to school and receive the best education.

I wish to see boys respect girls for the people they are.

More than my wish, I pray that; we will all strive for hope to see things change beyond our imaginations.

When you finish reading the book you will not help but agree that, yes, indeed women hold half the sky.


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